Selected Work

Atmos Magazine

The Native-Led Forensics Lab Dedicated to Solving Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Cases

Missoula, MT

The first of its kind, Montana’s Ohkomi Forensics nonprofit serves as a beacon of hope in what has begun to feel like a hopeless situation.

  • 2024

Adapting to the Anthropocene: Rising with the Tide

Tarawa, Kiribati

Kiribati is not the verdant paradise that you might imagine when you think of the Pacific—all but one of Kiribati’s 33 islands are sandy, flat coral atolls that sit less than three meters above sea level, making them particularly vulnerable to sea-level rise. Salt water has already infiltrated many of the drinking water wells and in some villages. Eritai Kateibwi learned how to grow vegetables in raised hydroponic boxes and introduced the method to his community.

  • 2018

Climate and the Overdose Crisis

Durham, NC

"The U.S. saw 100,000 deaths from drug-related overdoses in the first year of the Covid-19 outbreak. But even before the pandemic, climate change was affecting drug use and overdose deaths."

  • 2022

Blessed are the Hungry

Washington, DC

For five youth activists, climate action is worth hunger striking for.

“I’m on hunger strike because I believe so much in a future that’s worth risking everything for,” says Ema Govea.

"The high schooler is sitting in front of the White House, alongside four other activists, all of whom are hunger striking in an attempt to pressure Democrats to pass meaningful climate action as part of the Build Back Better agenda. The activists are members of Sunrise Movement, a youth-led political action group focused on climate justice known for organizing in support of the Green New Deal."

  • 2021